Courses / Live courses

Infection Control in Primary and Ambulatory Care Setting for All Healthcare Practitioners (11 Oct 2024)

Do you want to get the course with or without CME?

Learning Activity details
Sessions 1 Assessments
Course Location: Live
Select The Most Appropriate Date To Take The Course.

Learning Activity Agenda:

The Course Will Start at 17:00.


Basic Infection Control

Screening of Patients with Communicable Diseases 

Hand Hygiene

Personal Protective Equipment

Waste Disposal

Infection Control Program 

Scientific Committee:

Target Audience:
  • All

Learning Activity Objectives:

1-         Participants will recall basic concepts of Infection Control pertaining to Standard Precautions by enumerating its components.

2-          Through quizzes in between topics, participants will identify correct practices through given scenario.

3-          Distinguish and classify practices applicable to Ambulatory Settings.

4-          Define and understand the chain of infection

5-          Describe the difference between cleaning and disinfection.

6-          Compare and Contrast different common communicable diseases.

7-          Utilize basic screening tools according to specific communicable diseases.

8-          Demonstrate how to effectively manage any suspected communicable diseases.

9-          Identify elements of Transmission Based Precautions such as patient placement, use of PPE and transportation.

10-        Compare and contrast different screening tools.

11-        Describe and demonstrate different techniques of Hand Hygiene.

12-        Identify what is Hand Hygiene, its type and explain the difference between them.

13-        Identify how Hand Hygiene Program can be implemented in Ambulatory Care Setting.

14-        List all the personal protective equipment needed in Ambulatory Setting.

15-        Explain the use of personal protective equipment according to exposure.

16-        Demonstrate correct techniques of donning and doffing of PPEs.

17-        Recognize the infection control practices from segregation to disposal of medical waste.


Learning Activity Description:

This course covers basic infection control, screening of patients with communicable diseases, hand Hygiene, personal protective

equipment, and waste Disposal. Provides students an opportunity to learn and refresh their understanding of infection control principles.

Learning Outcome:

At the end of the course, the candidate will have the following outcomes:

 1- The candidate will be able to identify, understand and apply the proper basic practices.

 2- There candidate will understand how to successfully break the chain of infection 

3- The candidate will be able to explain the differences between disinfection and cleaning.

 4- The candidate will be able to screen for communicable diseases in various healthcare settings.

5- The candidate will be able to enumerate and describe the various personal protective equipment and their importance in protecting healthcare workers and patients.

 6- The candidate will be able to properly use the PPE and how to doff and don the PPE

 7- The candidate will be able to demonstrate and maintain a proper practice of hand hygiene



You have to attend 60% of the live session to obtain the certificate and the CME hours.

Learning Activity requirements:
لابد من حضور الدورة التعليمية للحصول على الشهادة والساعات التعليمية

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