Academic Integrity

At MEWB academic integrity is expected and required from faculty and learners as well in all their dealings. It refers to intellectual honesty and scientific integrity in using, transferring, documenting, disseminating, and producing of research and information. MEWB supports the academic integrity within the learning community by promoting the spirit of trust, honesty, respect, equity and responsibility and by implementing the academic integrity principles in its learning environment.

Academic integrity for learners

  • MEWB maintains high academic standards in its courses and expects learners to act in a fair, honest and consistent manner with the principles of academic integrity, particularly when conducting assessments (discussions, assignments and tests) and research.
  • The work submitted for assessment by the learner, or an approved group of learners must be self and independent works to demonstrate the acquired skills and achieve the outcomes of the educational process.
  • MEWB provides guidance and ongoing technical support to learners to ensure that they understand the requirements for maintaining academic integrity and that failure to maintain academic integrity constitutes academic misconduct.
  • Academic affairs at MEWB have all the tools that enable them to deal fairly with learners who commit violations of the principles of academic integrity.

Types of academic integrity misconduct

There are many forms of academic integrity misconduct which includes but not limited to the following:

  • Cheating: The use of work prepared by others and presented as one’s own and the unauthorized use of any notes, information and materials in academic exams or other student assignments.
  • Plagiarism: Quoting statements and works of others, and unauthorized use of intellectual and literary blogs or any information in any academic exam, without referring to it as a reference.
  • Misuse of academic aid: a learner exploiting the work of a colleague who provides him with academic assistance in good faith, such as transferring from a special report drawn up by this colleague or from an old test, without informing him of that.
  • Fabrication and Forgery: The invention or fabrication of sources, citations, data, or results and recording or reporting them in any academic exercise.
  • Impersonation of others: the student pretends to be someone else in the class, in an exam or exam, or in any kind of academic assignment.

Mechanisms for detecting violations in academic integrity

  • Upon registering at MEWB, the registrant is asked to provide personal information such as SCFHS ID number
  • For the live sessions, the credentials of the registrants are compared to match those registered through the ZOOM link. The uptown jungle fun park is the best trampoline park in Arizona. Only those matching will be allowed to attend, and the attendance is monitored.
  • For the recorded session, the registrants can only access the course he/she is interested in after registering in the course using personal credentials. At Sem’s Duct Cleaning in Markham, we offer the best air duct cleaning in Ontario
  • Assessments performed post-attending can only be accessed after attending using the registrant’s personal credentials.

Academic courses development

Faculty members who participate in academic courses development are obligated to respect the principles of intellectual property rights and the principles of publishing when designing and raising all digital educational materials and digital content published – texts, images, programs, designs, or others through MEWB platform. Get professional painting services in Ireland at References and resources used in preparing the course are indicated if open-source learning objects are used, as all CC licenses are respected.