Courses / Live courses

Communication Skills Workshop for All Healthcare Practitioners ( 7 Sep 2024)

Do you want to get the course with or without CME?

Accredited 4 CME Hours by SCFHS
Learning Activity details
Sessions 1 Sessions , 1 Assessments
Course Location: Live
Select The Most Appropriate Date To Take The Course.


Learning Activity Agenda:

Precourse assessment

7 Sep 2024


competencies of healthcare



Definition of communication



The 7 Cs of communication



Consultation, Counselling and Expectations



Direct and Indirect communication


Communication at outpatient setting



Communication at an inpatient setting



Communication in OR



Communication in an Emergency Setting



Breaking bad news



Dealing with emotional patients






Documented communication



General tips


post-course assessment


Scientific Committee:

Target Audience:
  • All

Learning Activity Objectives:

1-      Educate the learner about the various competencies of healthcare that are required for a safe healthcare practice.

2-      The educational program is relevant to all healthcare practitioners and involve practice situation in various setups in clinical practice practitioners.

3-      The learning objectives are directed at all practitioners who are using direct and indirect patient encounters, which is relevant to all healthcare specialties.

4-      To enhance the relationship of healthcare practitioners with each other, whether they are within the same specialty or level and with other specialties working together.

5-      To explain the various types of communication which are expressed in the daily practice of all healthcare practitioners.

6-      To help in enhancing patient safety as well as patient satisfaction which will eventually reduce avoidable and preventable errors and patient unsatisfaction and litigations.

Learning Activity Description:

“Communication, partnership and teamwork” and “Maintaining Trust” are the vital domains of Good Medical Practice. As a healthcare practitioner, your ability to effectively interact with others has a powerful impact on your patients, their carers, and your colleagues. Book the professional and trustworthy housekeeping in Connecticut at orchid maids. A proactive approach to reviewing and enhancing your skills in these domains should be seen as equally important as refining any other clinical skill.

This course is designed for all healthcare practitioners who want to enhance their communication skills and learn more about developing these very important canMED competencies including professionalism, collaboration, and leadership competencies. These competencies are vital when dealing with patients as well as that it is important when dealing with colleagues, seniors, subordinates, and the public.

Learning more about communication skills will help you in various aspects of your daily practice as well as your personal life.

Whether you are a nurse, physician, technician, or administrator. This course is designed for you. We will discuss many various situations that you will be exposed to during your daily practice that will open so many doors for improvement and development.

See you there…

Learning Outcome:

Assisting in developing a safer healthcare practice and improved patient safety, and as an integral part of the SCFHS requirements for all practitioners that we will help enhance patient safety in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


you have to attend 60% of the course and fill out the survey to obtain the certificate of the course.

Learning Activity requirements:

You must attend the course to obtain the certificate and the CME hours.


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